
FT Paints offers a range of RENT FREE Carbon Dioxide liquid and gas off-take cylinders for all uses.

Our company is one of very few bottled gas suppliers in the UK that continue to offer rent free Co2 bottles.

We can provide Co2 bottles in 6.35kg bottles that can be used in a number of industries and uses.


Please note

  • Collection ONLY 
  • Cylinder size 85cm * 13cm
  • There is a £55.00 refundable deposit per cylinder on each new cylinder taken.
  • All cylinders are owned , maintained and tested by Adams gas and are never at any point owned by the user. To check the test date of a cylinder, please look at the coloured ring around the gas valve.
  • The deposit on the cylinder is held by FT Paints gas and is fully refundable on return of the cylinder, at any point and is not subject to a limited time frame.
  • The deposit will only be refunded to the account holder, should the cylinder be passed on to a third party, please notify us to avoid any confusion later on.


Additional information

Choose an option

Refill – Empty for Full, First bottle (Deposit) including gas & cylidnder




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