Can’t find your colour?

Searching for a paint code for your car? You’re in the right place.
If you don’t know your vehicles paint code, tracking it down couldn’t be easier. Simply provide us with the information asked when purchasing any of our mixed paints by entering its model, make and the year it was manufactured (registration can help also) and we will do the rest!

How to Find My Paint Code by Brand

Paint codes for cars can be found in various places – you just need to know where to look! The diagram below shows the likely locations to find colour codes. a) Check the list for the manufacturer. b) The manufacturer will have a series of figures: example 1-2-3. These figures refer to the possible location on a vehicle where the code can be located.
Manufacturer Location Manufacturer Location
Alfa Romeo 5-7-8-18-19 Mazda 2-3-4-5-7-10-15-21
Aston Martin 7-12 Mercedes 2-3-8-10-12
Audi 14-17-18-19 Mitsubishi 2-3-7-8
BLMC 10 Nissan 2-4-5-7-8-10-15
BMW 3-4-8 Opel 2-3-4-7-8-10-19
Chrysler 4-7 Peugeot 2-3-4-7-8-9
Citroen 3-4-7-8-10 Porsche 5-7-10-12-14-15
Daewoo 2 Proton 6-7
Daf 7-10-12 Reliant 3-4-9
Daihatsu 1-2-7-10 Renault 3-4-5-7-8-10-19
Ferrari 2-5-8-14-18-19 Rolls Royce 8
Fiat 2-3-4-5-7-10-18-19 Rover 2-3-7-10-12-15-18-22
Ford 2-3-4-7-8-10-15-22 Saab 4-8-10-16-17-20
FSO 4-7-10 Seat 8-10-17-18
Honda 3-10-15-18 Skoda 8-10-17
Hyundai 7 Subaru 1-2-3-8-10
Innocenti 8-10-13-18-19 Suzuki 3-4-7-8-10-21
Isuzu 2-7-10-13-15 Simca 3-4-8-10
Jaguar 2-4-5-12-13-15-22 Toyota 3-4-7-10-19
Lada 4-5-17-18 Vauxhall 1-2-4-5-8-10-19
Land Rover 2 Volkswagen 1-2-11
Lancia 2-4-5-7-10-12-18 Volvo 2-3-4-6-7-10
Lexus 7 Wartburg 7
Lotus 3-9-10 Yugo/Zatsava 4-14-18
Maserati 2-5-18
Note: While We’ve tried to be as accurate as we can about where you’ll find different manufacturer paint codes, the location of the serial number may differ depending on the model of your car. Some vehicle may have been resprayed in a different colour at some point in their life.